MacGyver Your Party Decorations

Oh, MacGyver. He is just dreamy. I forgot about the mullet hair — yes, there was a time that it could work. If you feel like going in the wayback machine, watch this clip. For those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about, MacGyver was a TV show from the late 80’s to the early 90’s. Angus MacGyver was a secret agent who was extremely resourceful using whatever he found, a piece of gum, a ballpoint pen, a button, whatever — to save the day.

So, we are going to talk about using what you already have to decorate. (See this wasn’t just a gratuitous 80’s reference and use of video)

One thing the Party MOMster is lousy with is TOYS. So, pull some out as decorations. Here are some from the Party MOMster archives:

  • Little People Farm as a centerpiece at our farm party.
  • Littlest Pet Shop characters on my cupcake display stand for a Littlest Pet Shop Party.
  • Dress up beads and crowns for a Princess party. We also had a fairytale puppet set. We slipped the individual puppets over water bottles and put them on the fireplace mantle.
  • For our several animal, jungle, polar parties, we dug out any stuffed animal, puppet and figurine applied.
  • Any books that relate to the theme can be a colorful addition as well.

I would love to say that this was my idea, but this was a staff revelation. And they are very thorough in scouring the house for any relevant toy. Bottom line, you have likely picked a party theme because it interests your kids. And if it interests them, they probably have some related toys already.

Go get you MacGyver on!

3 Responses to “MacGyver Your Party Decorations”

  1. 1 AlyGatr May 29, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    What great ideas! Both of my kiddos are February babies, so it will be a while before birthdays roll around, but I will store this one for future use 🙂 And BIG thumbs up for MacGyver. I loved him…and he's even aged well and still looks good on Stargate!!!

  2. 2 Party MOMster May 30, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Good call! I totally forgot about Stargate. I'm going to go program my TiVo for a little Richard Dean Anderson fix.

  1. 1 Ode to "Bacon Concentrate" « Party MOMster's Blog Trackback on May 30, 2010 at 9:51 pm

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